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2022-07-18 Photo analysis – Post-communist visual in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Link: https://twitter.com/EmirOFilipovic/status/1359986643130793992
The photo above is from 2014 and taken in the municipality of Fojnica, in Central Bosnia. In the photo, one can see symbols, texts, and official information that in several ways are contradicting and go against each other when it comes to ideas, values, and ambitions. Here is the following explanation:
Left side: European Union, representing a union based on democratic values and institutions, and in this case communicating about that EU-fund money was used in the area, probably for some type of project.
Right side: “Mehmed Spaho Street”, named after Mehmed Spaho, who was seen as one of the main politicians during the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. He was a leading member of the Yugoslav Muslim Organisation (JMO) party and advocated among other things, privileges for Muslim landowners and regional autonomy for Bosnia within the Yugoslav (Serb-Croat-Slovene) Kingdom.
Up: Croat Party of Rights (HSP), a political party with a right-wing nationalist and ultra-conservative ideological profile and history. HSP is famous, among other things, for having para-military units during the wars in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina during the 1990s.
Down: A public history memory board with information reflecting the Yugoslav communist period telling about a communist partisan military commander Sava Kovacevic from Montenegro who with his units “liberated” Fojnica from the Nazi-German military occupation and administration by retaking control on 9 September 1942.