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2021-01-06 Integration and disintegration of Europe in 1991

Political satire from Maastricht Treaty negotiation meeting in 1991

Recently I was watching an episode of Rapport from December 1991. Rapport is the Swedish public service news program. Via SVT, one can watch older episodes about different topics and events. This one is about the Maastricht agreement and the negotiations that were taking place during 1991.  

My Europe blog article also focuses on Sweden, and the Eurozone better said the European Monetary Union’s formation. In the episode, the Soviet Union also mentions its disintegration and similar processes in “Eastern Europe”. In December 1991 the Soviet Union ceased to exist while in Yugoslavia statements were made about the ward ending before Christmas. In the meantime, western and northern parts of Europe were in process of achieving economic, political and institutional integration. 

European heads of states as prime minister John Mayor (UK), Riechskanzler Helmuth Kohl (Germany) and president Francois Mitterrand (France) in Maastricht 1991 during the treaty negotiations


The Swedish commentator says: “While at the same time as Eastern Europe and the former Soviet power is disintegrating, Western Europe is taking a huge step towards economic and political union”. 

Integration and disintegration of Europe
Swedish prime-minister Carl Bildt from the Moderate (Conservative) Party. Down below one can see “Yes to Europe” card under Bildt’s elbow.

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