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Ledger Nano S

One month ago I and my colleague Arjan van Eersel from Sonemas participated in CoinList + Tezos hackathon with our idea of global public infrastructure. As thanks for participation, every hackathon participant was offered a Nano S Ledger for crypto-wallets.… Read More »Ledger Nano S

Whose Bosnia?

Recently I read the book “Whose Bosnia? Nationalism and Political Imagination in the Balkans, 1840–1914” by historian Edin Hajdarpasic. The book is mainly about the creation and implementation of early nationalism ideas in Europe during the 19th century and how… Read More »Whose Bosnia?

The S-Tank

Stockholm 2020-05-18 Yesterday I passed by the Army Museum in Stockholm. One of the main exhibitions that are outdoor is the “S-tank”, officially called Stridsvagn-103 (Tank 103). The S-tank was famous for its “unique” or “strange” design. Military or tank… Read More »The S-Tank

The Global Hack

2020-04-10 Stockholm and Antananarivo At the moment I am participating at The Global Hack hackathon with the focus on the Corona pandemic crisis. The main goal of the hackathon is that people from around the world can create solutions by… Read More »The Global Hack